Our Vision

Our company hoped to leverage our specialized knowledge on computing, personal integrity as well as in-depth commercial administration understanding and solid project management experience in order to provide reliable business consultation and the effective process engineering design in diversified business environment.

Emilia Clarke
By making use of these products and services, we are glad to assist our clients to benefit from Information Science and Technology achievements, significant effective operation, modernized management as well as quick interior and exterior communication in the cost benefit operation pattern.
Benefit our clients
Emilia Clarke
we aim to deliver quality deliverable and enjoyable working experience to our clients in order to establish and maintain the long-time partnership. Let TechSquare enable you to obtain more advantages in the technical domain, arrogantly flies in circles joyfully in this technical-oriented generation.
Let us help !

Our Mission

Provide total IT solution

To provide total IT solution include software development, system implementation and also onsite support plan for our clients with input of business knowledge and skillful project management experience.

Be a member with SME & NGO

To be a team member with SME & NGO in using Information Technologies to improve their competitive advantages. Especially aim for the Outsource IT support for system maintenance and daily operation issue.

Helping charity with technological method

To help charity to utilize Information Technologies for daily operation in cost-saving way, such as gospel distribution in church by electric means